Aluminium Partitions
Office, glass, melamine and drywall partitions

Aluminium Glass Partitions
Partitions are used mostly in open plan office spaces to convert one room into a number of offices. Glass partitions create visual openness or give a little privacy to one’s work space by using frosted vinyl. They also create an exclusive office when sand blasted. The frost vinyl and sand blasting can also be designed into different styles. These partitions bring about more natural light depending on the type of glass chosen.

Drywall Partitions
These are made using gypsum boards. They help in slowing down the spread of fires and they can be made from any size. They also have the sound proofing qualities. Gypsum boards are a versatile.

Melamine Partitions
Melamine partitions gives one an option to choose from a variety of colors i.e. white, natural oak, coimbra, burnt oak, cascade, canadian maple or maphis cherry. They can be used for sound absorption by making use of two modules thereby making the work place less noisy. They break the monotony when used in conjunction with glass partitions and are perfect for teller counters.